
At Meadows Wellbeing

Osteopathy For Everyone

Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment which works with the structure and function of the body. The maintenance of good mechanical function is essential to good health. Problems in one part of the body’s framework often leads to aches and pains in joints and muscles elsewhere and may affect both circulation and nerves to any part of the body.

Osteopaths work to restore the structure and function of the body to a state of balance and harmony, so helping the whole person.

Billingshurst Osteopaths

The Billingshurst Osteopaths team treat a wide range of conditions from back and neck pain, trapped nerves, headaches, injuries related to motor accidents and sports injuries, through to cranial treatment, for everyone from adults to new born babies.

Billingshurst Osteopaths was set up in 1999 by Jon Meadows and is now officially part of the Meadows Wellbeing centre as of May/June 2020.

All our Osteopaths are registered with the General Osteopaths Council (GOsC).

Meet the Billingshurst Osteopaths Team

At Billingshurst Osteopaths, you are in good hands.

It typically takes 4 years to become a qualified osteopath and over 1,000 hours of clinical training.

Osteopathy is a regulated profession, with all osteopaths required by law to register with the General Osteopathic Council and meet their requirements.

Our osteopaths are also required to maintain their skills through ongoing training and professionaal development and you can be confident that your osteopath has the skills, qualifications and knowledge to help you live a healthier life.

If you are unsure whether Osteopathy can help you, please contact us as we are very happy to give advice over the phone.

  • Jon Meadows

    Founder of Meadows Wellbeing
    BSc Hons Ost
    Registered Osteopath

  • Ben Pieniazek

    Associate Osteopath
    BSc Hons Ost, M. Ost
    Registered Osteopath

  • Naomi Earthrowl

    Registered Osteopath

  • Carol Maria Caiado

    BSc (Hons) Osteopathy
    Registered Osteopath

  • Tabitha Bulbrook

    BSc (Hons) Osteopathy, M. Ost
    Registered Osteopath

  • Ben White

    Registered Osteopath

All of our Osteopaths are registered with the General Osteopathic Council

What To Expect From Your Consultation & Treatments

On your first visit we will take a detailed medical history and listen to your concerns. Then a careful examination will be carried out followed by specific treatment for your injury or health problem.

You may find one treatment is enough to unlock certain injuries, however generally patients need between 2 – 6 sessions. Some patients feel they benefit from regular treatment once a month or every six months, it is up to the individual.

The initial appointment lasts for around 1 hour which includes taking your medical history, an examination and then treatment. Follow up appointments are for 30 minutes.