Sports Injury & Rehabilitation Therapy
At Meadows Wellbeing
Keeping You On Track
Our Sports Injury & Rehabilitation therapists will keep you on the right track. Our practitioners are here to work with you to aid your recovery to enable you to stay fit and healthy. This means you will continue to enjoy your hobbies, pursuits and occupation to the fullest.
You may be experiencing any of the following symptoms which may include;
Back Pain/Posture Pain
Achilles Tendinopathy
Tennis / Golfers Elbow
Runners Knee (ITB syndrome)
Jumpers Knee (Patella Tendinopathy)
Muscle Strains (Hamstring/Groin etc.)
Ligament Sprains (Ankle/Knee etc.)
Nerve Impingement
Shoulder Rotator Cuff Injuries
Growth Plate Injuries (Children)
Sports Injury & Rehabilitation
The Meadows Wellbeing Sports Injury and Rehabilitation service includes:
Injury Assessment & Identification
Injury Treatment
Injury Prevention & functional movement programs
Manual Therapy (joint & soft tissue mobilisation)
Strength & Flexibility Testing
Trigger Point/Myofascial Release
Dynamic/Kinesiology Taping
Deep Tissue/Sports Massage
Rehabilitation programs
Blood Flow Restriction Training (BFRT) to build strength & recover faster
Emma Wilson-Wild
MSc Sports Injury Therapy & BSC Sports Science & Coaching
Dry Needling
How does it work?
Dry needling works by relaxing muscle fibres, reducing pain & restoring normal function. It has wide ranging effects including improving joint mobility, restoring muscle strength, reducing muscle pain & even reducing inflamed soft tissues following acute injuries.
What To Expect From Your Consultation & Treatments
Your appointments will last anywhere from 30-60 minutes depending on your requirements, the nature of your condition and the response to treatment.
A mixture of techniques may be used during your treatments depending on your therapist.
Your appointment will also include advice on how you can help yourself continue to improve after your treatment.