Terms & Conditions
Cancellation Policy
If you are no longer able to attend your appointment or need to change the date/time we would be very grateful if you could kindly contact us as soon as possible by calling 01403 786081 during opening hours (Monday–Friday 8am-7pm and Saturday 9am–1pm) and we will help you to re-schedule.
A late cancellation or missed appointment means that our therapist is left with a space in their diary that could have been filled by someone who is in need of our help, so it means a lot to the Meadows Wellbeing team if you can assist us by keeping us informed of your plans.
Just to let you know that there is a cancellation fee (50% of the appointment fee) if you cancel or reschedule your appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice prior to the start of your appointment. Hopefully we won’t ever need to request this, but we need to let you know in case this happens.