Sports Injury & Rehabilitation
Initial & Standard Appointment
60 mins approx.
45 Minute Appointment
30 Minute Appointment
Swedish, Holistic & Integrated Massage
Full Body (With Gemma)
Full Body
Back, Neck & Shoulder (With Gemma)
30 mins approx.
Swedish/Deep Tissue Full Body with Aromatherapy oils (With Carrie)
60 mins approx.
Health Coaching
3 Session Health Coaching Package
Session 1 - 90 mins approx | Session 2 - 60 mins approx | Session 3 - 60 mins approx
Additional Sessions (Follow on Coaching)
60 mins approx
60 mins approx
Discovery Call
Approx 15 mins
Initial Consultation
Approx 90 mins
Follow-Up Consultation
Approx 45 mins
Most remedies are included in your consultation with the exception of Homeobotanicals which are 20 pounds. Your therapist will confirm during your appointment any additional charges for prescriptions.
Feet - Initial & Standard Appointment
60 mins approx.
Feet & Face - Initial & Standard Appointment
90 mins approx.
Face - Initial & Standard Appointment
45 mins approx.
Hands - Initial & Standard Appointment
45 mins approx.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Initial Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage - With Carrie
75 mins approx. (Please wear loose clothing)
Standard Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage - With Carrie
60 mins approx. (Please wear loose clothing)
Reiki & Hot Stone Massage
Initial Reiki Appointment
75 mins approx.
Standard Reiki Appointment
60 mins approx.
Hot Stone Massage - With Diane
90 mins approx.
Hot Stone Massage - With Carrie
75 mins approx.
Foot Clinic
Initial Appointment
45 mins approx.
Standard Appointment
30 mins approx.
Home Visit
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Initial Telephone Consultation
Individual (per session)
50 mins approx.
Individual (per session)
90 mins approx.
Couples (per session)
50 mins approx.
Couples (per session)
90 mins approx.
Initial Telephone Consultation
Standard Appointment
60 mins approx. Smoking Cessation is charged per hour as per the standard appointment.
Price List
Please note all children under the age of 18 years must be accompanied by an adult.
Our prices are subject to change from time to time – although we always try not to increase our prices, sometimes it is unavoidable.
The following prices are valid as of 1st May 2024.
Initial Appointment
60 mins approx
Standard Appointment
30 mins approx
Children Under 16
30 mins approx
Baby/Child Cranial - Initial Appointment
45 mins approx
Baby/Child Cranial - Standard Appointment
30 mins approx
Bowen Therapy
60 mins approx.
Initial Appointment
60 mins approx.
Standard Appointment
60 mins approx.
Soft/Deep Tissue Therapy & Sports Massage
Initial & Standard Appointment
60 mins approx - With Gemma, Carrie, Ian or Harry
45 Minute Appointment
With Gemma, Carrie, Ian or Harry
30 Minute Appointment
With Gemma, Carrie, Ian or Harry
Pregnancy Massage
Initial & Full Body Pregnancy Massage
60 Minute Appointment
Back, Neck & Shoulder Pregnancy Massage
30 Minute Appointment
Medical Herbalism
Initial Consultation
Approx 60 mins
Follow-Up Consultation
Approx 30 mins
Based on your individual treatment requirements - therapist will confirm during your appointment
Ear Wax Removal
Initial & Standard Appointments
Allow around 40 mins for an initial appointment and 30 mins for a standard appointment but your treatment could be completed in a shorter period of time. We also provide a pre-treatment telephone consultation included in the price of the treatment.
Home Visits - Initial & Standard Appointments
Allow around 45 mins but your treatment could be completed in a shorter period of time. We also provide a pre-treatment telephone consultation included in the price of the treatment.
No Wax Found
Initial & Standard Ear Wax Removal (under 16s)
Allow around 40 mins for an initial appointment and 30 mins for a standard appointment but your treatment could be completed in a shorter period of time.
Consultation (No wax found)
Aromatherapy Massage
Initial Aromatherapy Massage Appointment
75 mins approx.
Standard Aromatherapy Massage Appointment
60 mins approx.
Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage
30 mins approx.
Back, Neck & Shoulders Scalp & Facial Massage - With Carrie
60 mins approx.
Indian Head Massage
Initial Indian Head Massage - With Diane
60 mins approx.
Standard Indian Head Massage - With Diane
40 mins approx.
Standard Indian Head Massage - With Carrie
60 mins approx.
Luxury Facial & Ear Candling
Luxury Holistic Facial
60 mins approx.
Standard Ear Candling Appointment
45 mins approx.
Initial Telephone Consultation
No Charge
Initial & Standard Appointment
50 mins approx.
Child & Young Person Counselling
Initial Chat With Parent/Carer
30 mins approx.
Standard Appointment
50 mins approx. *children 17 years and under