Diane Chandler

Complementary Therapist

Health and wellbeing have always played a central role in Diane’s life, as she grew up alongside practices of yoga, meditation and wholefoods, which are still a cornerstone. Her own personal growth took off in her twenties and at that time she experienced first-hand aromatherapy massage herself, whilst going through a stressful time. Diane was utterly inspired and knew this was what she wanted to do. To help others in a hands-on way to experience relaxation and nurture – as well as treating a wide range of stress-related issues – became her calling.

Diane set about pursuing her aromatherapy training at the world renowned ‘Robert Tisserand’, going on on to qualify in their 2-year diploma in holistic aromatherapy. Having previously worked in the medical profession for over 18 years, she was able to draw upon her transferrable skills and knowledge and to bridge the gap between both worlds whilst laying a firm foundation for further training in complementary therapies.

In recent years Diane has worked as a Maternity Assistant at the Royal Surrey County Hospital, gaining valuable experience which lead her to specialise in supporting mothers before, during and after pregnancy and the birth of their baby. Latterly, having been a carer for multiple family members who were seriously ill, she has developed a particular interest in supporting ‘the carers’ carer’, gaining insight and further training as a health mentor/coach with Dr Rosy Daniel who specialises in cancer care.